MODULAR VENEER SET Ref.099 Dr. A. Scholer, Biel, Switzerland
Ref.099 Modular Veneer Set Ref.099 Diamond instruments for Veneer preparations 200S, S4, 101, 4310S, 4205L 5205L, 4259, 5259, 40D9, 50D9
- Available on sale
2,505 บาท
DIRECT POSTERIOR SETS Ref.N202PD Dr. Roberto Spreafico, Italy
Ref.N202PD Intensiv Sets Posterior direct restorations Diamond instruments for anterior and posterior direct and indirect restorations 8212S, 8510, 8514, 3414B, 3514, 4205L, 8614, 3614B
- Available on sale
2,000 บาท
CERINLAY SET Ref.011 U. of Berlin, Germany
Ref.011 Cerinlay Set Special diamond instruments for inlay cavity preparations according to methods developed by the University of Berlin 8425, 8427, 8525, 8526 3425, 3427, 3525, 3526
- Available on sale
2,250 บาท
CONTOURING AND FINISHING SET Ref.135 U. of Zurich, Switzerland
Ref.135 Contouring and Finishing Prep Set Diamond instruments for finishing of aesthetic restorations 9401, 4205, 9205, 4274, PS2S, PS9S, RS40, RS9, 9040, 8255, 9274
- Available on sale
5,610 บาท
Intensiv Zirkon Set Ref.35A Ref.35A Dr. G. Dazhaev, Moscow, Russia
Ref.35A Diamond Instruments for Zirkon set 238C, 8238, 4238, 8195, 4195, 8325L, 4325L, 113AC, 8201NL, 4201NL, 8200, 4200, 201, 4201, 8400, 4400, 8255A, 4255A
- Available on sale
4,280 บาท
GENEVA PREP SET Ref.055 U. of Geneva, Switzerland
Ref.055 Diamond instruments for crown and bridge prosthetic restorations Burs for classic crown and bridge restorations according to methods developed at the University of Geneva
- Available on sale
2,395 บาท
UNIVERSAL SET Ref.088 U. of Zurich, Switzerland
Ref.088 Diamond instruments for preparation and finishing of cavities in aesthetic adhesive restorations in posterior teeth 8510, 8514, 8614, 3510 3514, 3614, 3513, 3513N, 3517
- Available on sale
2,460 บาท
ZIRCON CUTTER SET Ref.040A U. of Zurich, Switzerland
Ref.040A Intensiv Special Diamond Instruments for more efficient separation of zirconia ceramic restorations Developed in cooperation with Prof. Mutlu Özcan, University of Zurich.
- Available on sale
2,700 บาท
3,000 บาท